I Know...Or I Feel?

As I write this, I know that I'm sick. There is evidence throughout my body that I have a cold - all the symptoms are there. And I can feel every single one of them in bright colors of ickiness.

Couldn't I still be sick if I didn't feel the sinus pressure, runny nose and sore throat? Wasn't I sick a couple of days ago before I actually felt sick? That doesn't mean I wasn't sick, I just wasn't feeling its effects yet...although I sure am now.

Many people have this same "feeling" about their faith. If they don't feel happy and joyful and touched by the Spirit, then God must not be doing anything for them. If they don't feel a swinging-from-the-chandeliers movement all the time, then what's the point in having faith? Our faith isn't based on feelings, but on the Living Word of God.

For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. 2 Timothy 1:12

There were germs working their way through my system even before I felt sick. That doesn't mean they were any less harmful or non-existent. It just means they were working on my body without me even realizing it - until the first sneeze came.

God is working in our lives, our minds and our bodies constantly, touching and guiding every step of the way. To limit His power to just the times we can "feel" Him is a dangerous and selfish proposition. We don't have to feel anything to know that our God is able to keep all that we've committed to Him, without the least little bit of input from us.

Do you know that you know? Or are you trying to get through on feelings?


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