Pet Allergies - The Pets
In addition to sneezing and itchy eyes, pets' allergies also develop in their skin and ears. If you see any signs of skin irritation, red in the ears or anything else out of the ordinary, see your vet immediately. They are the ultimate source of information and treatment.
What Are They Allergic To?
Our pets can be allergic to the same things we are. Most common are inhaled allergens (dust, mold, pollen), contact (something that touches their skin), insect (fleas), and food (an ingredient in their daily food). Only specific tests by your veterinarian can tell for sure what you pet's allergies are. Sometimes an educated guess (like sneezing or coughing around certain plants at certain times of the year) can help your vet's diagnosis.
What Are the Symptoms?
Pets with allergies of most any kind will lick excessively, have red or hot ears, or have very itchy skin. They can be caused by airborne allergens, food allergies or insect bites. Certain allergies may cause respiratory distress, such as coughing, wheezing and sneezing. In any of these cases, head to the vet and have them diagnosed.
What Are the Treatments?
Your vet will have specific treatments for individual animals and symptoms. Immunotherapy (allergy shots), corticosteroids and antihistamines may all be considered based on the level of allergic reaction. They may also recommend shampoo treatments or antibiotics, once they know the nature of the allergy.
What Can I Do At Home?
Environmental control is the best method for preventing allergic reactions. On your vet's orders, change their food away from any that contain ingredients they are allergic to. Keep dust and pollen in the house to a minimum. Cool baths and certain sprays can provide temporary relief. Ask your vet for specific names and brands. Watch for excessive scratching and stop them before they create open wounds or remove fur.
Please do not self-diagnose or self-treat an animal's allergies. If you suspect any health problem in your pet, make a vet appointment immediately.
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