Mini Succulent Planters That Make It Feel Like Spring!

The snow is finally melting out here on the property, and even with the cold temperatures there is green grass coming up! That beautiful green inspired me to put together some adorable succulent planters using coffee cups we don’t use anymore. Pretty arrangements plus decluttering? Bonus!

I absolutely adore our local Earl May garden center. The plants they have are in amazing condition every time, and there is such a variety to choose from. I found a few containers of mini succulents that actually had more than one plant in them, and that saves time and money for sure. I already had three succulents that were in dire need of replanting, so all together I had 12 plants to play with.

I never use plain soil for my succulents. They can only get what they need to thrive from a special mix just for them. Most garden stores have it all year round, but you’ll be able to find it just about everywhere this spring as other stores get their garden supplies stocked.

A few rocks in the bottom will help with drainage, which is super important for these tiny plants. 

When I broke the soil apart to separate the plants, I discovered that there were actually even more plants than I thought! The root systems were pretty intertwined after all that time in tiny pots, so I had to very carefully separate them.

Then comes the fun part - mixing and matching succulents together in these beautiful groupings. The combination of new soil and fresh water is going to jumpstart their growth, so they may have to be replanted again in a few months. I’m absolutely thrilled with the results, and I’ve decided to only keep one of them. (Obviously the one with my name on it...) So I’m spreading the spring already this year. Are you ready for spring like I am?


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