Our Teens’ Bible Reading Plan Works For Adults, Too!

With the start of the new year, we are challenging our youth group to something huge - we’re going to read through the Bible in a year! This may sound simple for those of us who have been studying the Bible for years, but to teenagers, this is pretty monumental. And we couldn’t be more proud of them for their attitude about it.

Many in our group use the the Bible programs on their phones so they have them handy all the time, but we gave them a printed-out Bible for the month of January. The pages have extra-wide margins so they can take notes as they read, write down any questions they have and decorate them to their heart’s content. I showed them my first two pages, which I have all highlighted and written all over, and that encouraged them to get creative. The very last thing in the world we want is for them to feel like reading and studying the Bible is a lot like school work.

They also have a reading calendar for the month of January, which gives them three or four chapters a day to read. Then our Sunday School and youth group lessons will come from the sections of Scripture they had to read in between. Danny and I take turns writing our lessons, as every other week Danny is on call.

The reading calendar we gave the teens is the same one I use for my devotions on this blog, so you can read and study along with us. My prayer is that you’ll learn some new truths about Scripture as you read through the Bible with us this year. God’s word never returns void, so we’re excited to see what great and wonderful things He plans to do with us and through us.


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