Nail Art Like You Dipped Your Fingers In Snow

FYI - I love snow. I love the way it looks, the way it sticks to tree branches, the way it crunches underfoot. I love seeing animal tracks in the snow, watching it glisten in the sunshine.

I love it “snow” much (insert eye roll here), that I even created my own snow-tipped look for my nails.

If you want to try this look for yourself, because you love snow as much as I do, all you need are a bottle of dark blue polish and a bottle of silver metallic polish. Make sure it’s not big chunks of glitter or this technique won’t look much like snow.

Start with the dark blue polish on three nails and silver on the other two. Let the first coat dry and repeat.

After those two layers of polish are completely dry, go back with the silver and use short strokes to add your “snow.” They don’t have to be even or straight across because you want it to look like you dipped your finger tips in a snow bank. A couple of little wiggles with the brush on each one will make little snow drifts or icicles, however you want to think of it. Lightly dragging the tip of the brush back toward your cuticle will add even more texture.

How will you make your snow-themed nails?


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