Four Books I Read And Loved In January

One of my goals for 2021 is to read way more than I have been lately. 2020 was such a crazy year that I read very little, and my heart and mind could definitely tell the difference. Screens and sounds are no substitute for holding a great book in your hands, and I’ve always been addicted to learning things.

The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fools feeders on foolishness. Proverbs 15:14

That’s my Scripture for the year. I don’t want to just feed on the fluffy stuff when I can be reading books that will give me more knowledge. That’s the good stuff.

I very rarely read fiction that isn’t written by Christian authors, but I found The Geneva Strategy at our local Goodwill and I couldn’t resist. I’m pretty leery of books and series I’ve never read before, but there were just a couple of short scenes that were a little questionable. Otherwise, it was a good, suspenseful story of political intrigue, shadow agents and saving the world from certain doom.

Elizabeth George is the very first Christian author I read after I got saved, and she will forever be my favorite. I’ve decided to go back through and reread her entire collection - yes, I have all of them - and see how they spark me differently this time around. I started with A Woman After God’s Own Heart and highlighted all over the place. This book touches all the facets of a woman’s life, from our relationship with God and with our husband to taking care of the home and having a ministry at church and in the world. One of my faves!

Confession: I spent all of my Christmas money on books. Every last penny of it. Books. Totally worth it. Two of them were Lysa Terkeurst’s Forgiving set of books - Forgiving What You Can’t Forget and The Forgiveness Journal. She tackles some really difficult questions about the past, relationships and moving on when it seems impossible. It has a fascinating study guide that forces you to think and write and confront that pain that keeps you from really and truly forgiving. I’ve read several of Lysa’s books, but this is my favorite right now.

What books have you read this year already? Is it more or less than you’ve read in years past?


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