Four Very Distinct Puppy Personalities

This (dramatic pause) is Diesel. He hates it when I leave for work. He hates it when I leave again after lunch. He hates it when I leave to run errands. He hates it when I get up to go to the bathroom. He hates it when he can’t see me. Or hear me. Or touch me. Diesel is the definition of a Velcro Dog. And I love that about him.

His twin sister, Callie, has a completely different personality. She is incredibly persistent, fiercely protective of me and the house, easily distracted by wildlife outside the window, endlessly curious and very demanding. She may be the smallest, but she is a take-charge kind of girl. She teaches me new levels of patience every single day, especially on the days the deer are playing tag in the backyard. Callie is the first to ask for tummy scratches and the last come when called. We could cuddle all day and she’d be happy. And I love that about her.

And then there’s my happy guy. Parker is very possibly the sweetest, most well-behaved and cuddliest puppy ever. He didn’t care if I was about to leave - he just basked in the attention he was getting. He always gets scratches under the chin and a kiss on the top of the head before I leave. That’s where this sweet smile comes from. He watches television with us and growls at all the on-screen actor dogs. He doesn't ask for much, which is why it’s such a joy to spoil him. And I love that about him.

But there’s always that one dog. That one who wants you to hurry up so she can get back to her nap. That one dog would be Molly. She loves cuddles, loves attention, loves ear scratches. She also loves staying in her routine and getting the appropriate amount of beauty sleep every day. For this reason, she won’t even look at me when I say goodbye. She just accepts the loving and ushers me onward. But when I come home, she’ll be the loudest bark I’ll hear from the driveway, and she’ll give the most love when I get inside. And I love that about her.


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