Lessons Learned While Training Dogs

See that blur at the bottom of this photo? That is our Callie dog hurrying out of the room because she knows she’s in trouble.

The puppies are two years old now, and we’re finally able to leave them out of their crate for short periods of time. They are too smart for their own good, and having copious amounts of time to do stuff can be a dangerous thing ... for their blanket and the footstool.

So what am I learning in this transition phase from babies to grown-up dogs?

* pick everything up off the floor, unless you want it shredded and eaten.

* give them something to occupy their minds, like toys, unless you want your nice things shredded and eaten.

* start with incredibly short periods of time and work your way up, unless you want everything in the room shredded and eaten.

* make sure they’ve been outside and they’re empty before you leave, unless you want everything peed on before it’s shredded and eaten.

We’re definitely still a work in progress. I’d like to say we’re getting it all figured out and then be able to give you the secret formula to happy dogs and preserved furniture, but I can’t do that today. I’ll let you know when we’re all happy and still intact!


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