Deconstructed Spicy Tuna Rolls

In celebration of National Sushi Day today, our house is now filled with the smell of spicy tuna! I will note that I love sushi in all its forms, and every day should be Sushi Day. But I digress...

To make these gorgeous desconstructed sushi rolls, you’ll need to pick out your favorite combination of ingredients. Again, I know this will be difficult because they’re all amazing. I get that. Just choose one to start.

I started with an easy one - spicy tuna. I combined one can of white albacore chunk tuna (drained) with a mix of mayonnaise and sriracha sauce. You don’t need much, just enough to coat the tuna.

Set that aside and get to work on the veggies. Dice cucumber, carrots and avocado and set them aside.

Now for the rice. You can go all out and make your own, but I found the prepackaged sticky rice that you heat in the oven for 60 seconds. Yay! That works for me. Prep work is not my favorite part of cooking.

Now for the fun part...constructing a deconstructed sushi roll. Hmm...

Grab a 1-cup measuring cup or a low, round drinking glass. This is your workspace for the next five minutes. Fill the bottom of the cup with sesame seeds, then layer the cucumber, carrots and avocado. Spoon in half the tuna mixture and press it down in tight. The tighter the better. Then fill the cup to the brim with sticky rice and pack it in tightly again.

Now for the big reveal! Turn the cup upside down onto a small plate and gently shake out your sushi roll. The presentation is beautiful, and eating it is even better!

What sushi roll are you looking forward to deconstructing on National Sushi Day?


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