Why Is Sticking To An Exercise Plan So Difficult?

2 Easy Tips For Healthy Living
6 Friendly Tips For Starting And Maintaining An Exercise Program
10 Ways To Stay Glued To Your Weight Loss Plan
12 Weeks To Change Your Life
14 Day Fitness Challenge
30 Days To The Body You Want

Apparently there are many other women who have difficulties sticking with an exercise routine, too. I will ashamedly admit that I am an on-again, off-again exerciser. I'll get angry about my health and weight, dive back into working out and then stop again after a few weeks. And then this ugly cycle repeats itself.

Does this sound like you? I know I'm not alone in this. The headlines above prove it.

Why is it so difficult for us to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Here are just a handful of popular reasons:

— Lack of motivation
— Lack of results
— Lack of support
— Lack of information
— Lack of self-control

How do you combat issues like these that seem so insurmountable?

1. Pray for strength and determination. It definitely won't come from digging down deep inside yourself - it comes from God alone.

2. Then get a support system on board with you. It's ok to ask for accountability and encouragement.

3. Pay attention to the small accomplishments, as these are what keep you going.

4. Do your research before starting any exercise program, and talk with your doctor about what will work best for you.

5. Remind yourself that life, and your health goals, are part of a marathon, not a sprint.


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