A Weekend Of Pointing The Way

When people come to our home for the first time, we normally lead them to the sliding glass doors first. While the whole house is full of windows, this is the best place to see the beauty of the woods and ponds.

If we didn't show them where to look, they might still wander that way, but we'd miss out on the smile when they see it for the first time. And they might miss out on some special time with us, just looking at the property.

I like to think this is how the Samaritan woman felt after speaking with Jesus at the well. She had something amazing for the people of the town to see, and she just couldn't keep it to herself.

The woman then left her waterspout, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? Then they went out of the city, and came unto him. John 4:28-30

The men might have found their own way to Jesus, perhaps hearing about Him some other way or wandering around until they stumbled upon Him. Instead, the joy of this woman pointed the way like no map ever could.

Make this a weekend of pointing the way. Don't assume that people already know about the love of God or the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Take them by the hand and show them the way. What begins as a blessing for you may turn into he changing of a life.


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