21 Things Prayer Should Be

When we're in a middle of a crisis, prayer seems vital.

When times are going smoothly, we either switch to praises or stop communicating with God as we did when we felt we needed Him most.

When we're too comfortable in our prayer life, we use clichés and pretty words to get through our prayers.

When we're at the end of our rope, we may not be able to use any words at all.

Prayer is a frequent topic through the Bible, both in the Old Testament and New Testament. They words prayer and pray are used hundreds of times in God's word, proving that it was an important part of daily life that we need to continue even now.

Here is just a sampling of what Scripture tells us prayer should be.

* Heart-felt - 2 Samuel 7:27
* Postured - 1 Kings 9:3
* Emotional - 2 Kings 20:5
* Enduring - Nehemiah 1:6
* Pure - Job 16:17
* Early - Psalm 5:3
* Honest - Psalm 17:1
* Believing - Psalm 66:20
* Repentant - Isaiah 26:16
* Determined - Daniel 9:3
* Remembering - Jonah 2:7
* Continual - Luke 6:12
* Agreeing - Acts 1:14
* Unceasing - Acts 12:5
* Helpful - 2 Corinthians 1:11
* Persevering - Ephesians 6:18
* Joyful - Philippians 1:4
* Thankful - Philippians 4:6
* Faith-filled - James 5:15
* Fervent - James 5:16
* Watchful - 1 Peter 4:7

I encourage you to look up these verses for yourself and read the Word with your own eyes. I pray you'll discover something about prayer that will open your heart to see this special communication with your heavenly Father in a whole new light.


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