A Weekend Of Fixing

There are several definitions for the word "fix." It means to repair or reassemble - the opposite of brake. In the South it means going to, as in: I'm fixing to head to the store.

And it also means anchoring and making steadfast.

My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. Psalm 57:7

David knew the power of answered prayer, and while he prayed fervently in the cave for deliverance from Saul, he knew the joy and peace that God placed there.

This experience allowed him to say that his heart was fixed - anchored and steadfast - in the Lord alone. David was able to sing and praise God's holy name because he had these experiences of God's faithfulness to fall back on in days like today.

Make this a weekend of fixing. Fix your eyes and your heart on the One who is eternally faithful. Think back to those miraculous moments in your life when He answered prayer, moved in mighty ways and showed you His great works. He is worthy of all your praise - fix your heart on Him now and for the days to come.


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