National Day Of Encouragement

Every single person you will come into contact with today needs some encouragement. We will never know exactly what's going on in that person's life, mind or heart, but rest assured they would love someone to step up with an encouraging word or act.

National Day of Encouragement shouldn't be a once-a-year recognition. As Christians, we are called to lift each other up every day.

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. Romans 14:19

If you can encourage someone today, what will you say or do? Here are just a handful of ideas to get your creativity sparked:

* Send an email or text to someone going through a difficult time.
* Share a favorite Scripture that always makes you smile.
* Write a short note and drop it in the mail.
* Tell someone what you appreciate about them.
* Smile at absolutely everyone you can!
* Let someone know you're praying for them.
* You don't have to say anything - just listen.
* Use your phone as an actual phone and call someone!
* Spend quality time with someone who is hurting.
* Say something positive to the clerk while you're in line at the store.
* Make and give a handmade gift.
* Tell your pastor and pastor's wife how much you appreciate them.
* Pick up a few gift cards and share them with a few people you know are having financial problems.
* Shake a hand, give a hug or hold the hand of someone in need.

The possibilities are endless. Just be willing to do whatever the Lord lays on your heart. And remember that in the 364 days after National Day of Encouragement, your friends and family will still need your kindness and thoughtfulness. Plan on edifying everyone around you as often as you can, and I'll do the same. Together we can truly make a difference in someone's life.


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