Take Me To The Trees

There’s nowhere I’d rather be than in the trees. Our property is two-thirds woods, and it is definitely my happy place. You can have your beach, your snow-capped mountains and your busy city streets. Take me to the trees!

We support the Arbor Day Foundation, for obvious reasons, and these were the stickers that came in our last package. I quickly cabbaged them, and I’ve put them on one of my planner layout spreads so I can see them for a whole week!

On the Carrell Wildlife Preserve, all the good stuff happens in the trees. The prayer bench Danny made for me when we first moved onto the property is down by the big pond, surrounded by trees. The very best fishing spots are under the overhang of the trees. (But that’s a secret. Don’t tell anyone.)

The blackberry bushes are surrounded by trees. There are trails cut through the trees. All of our wildlife live beyond the tree line. And the ponds drain into a creek that is deep in the woods. Everything that we have out here is connected to the trees.

Unless God has other plans, this acreage of trees is our forever home. And I think here, surrounded by my favorite things, is the perfect place to be.


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