Books Are My Tribe

There is very little in this world that I would rather do than read. I love words, and books are definitely my tribe. There’s rarely a time I don’t have one with me, have one started or am just finishing one. Want to know the way to my heart - yep, books. Today may be National Book Lovers Day, but that’s every day for me.

One of my favorite stories from my growing-up years was attending a kindergarten friend’s birthday party. When we got to her front door, she introduced me as “Laura. She reads.”

And this sums up my life in three words.

But I’m also incredibly choosy about what I read. I don’t want gore, sex, bad language or questionable situations. If the story doesn’t catch me from the beginning, I probably won’t waste time on it.

On the other hand, if I find a book I like, I read it many, many times. I never dog-ear my pages. Every book I read has its own bookmark. If it’s a Bible study book, I frequently and abundantly use my yellow highlighter. I rarely write the answers down if there are questions in my study book, but I read them all and I think and pray about them. I don’t know why I do (or don’t do) these things, but it’s just the type of reader that I am.

Books are not an escape for me - they’re more about living in the moment, enjoying the few minutes I have to dive into a good book. My desire to learn more and know more is what keeps me turning pages. That is why my Bible is the first book I open every day - I crave those words, even though I’ve read them dozens of times over the years. It’s a real page-turner, in every sense of the word.

I will be that woman who’s 100 years old and still reading a book every single day. Words make me happy, and there will always be more words to read. And I can’t wait to read what’s on the next page.


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