Egg Carton Gift Boxes For Easter And Spring

If you would have opened that one cabinet door in our kitchen a week ago, you probably would have questioned my sanity. I had been saving egg cartons for weeks specifically for this spring ... there were a lot of them.

So for the next three days I’m going to show you why I was saving them. (And not just to rescue my sanity.) There are so many ways you can use an egg carton in your paper crafting and gift giving, so let’s start today with a gift box.

Whether you have children, grandchildren or students, egg cartons can be a fun way to share gifts and surprises. You don’t have to use plastic eggs to hold the tiny gifts, though. Items of the right size will fit right into each space.

But how much fun would it be to open an egg carton gift box and find little eggs just waiting to be cracked open?

A trip to the dollar store will provide you with the eggs, if you don’t already have them, and fun little gifts to tuck inside. Some can be candy, some can be trinkets, and all can be tailored to the recipient. This is the perfect way to make your spring celebrations more unique!

Come visit again tomorrow for another spring idea for those egg cartons. This one will be too much fun!


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