Throwback Thursday: My Very First Blog Post

Nine years ago this week I started writing my thoughts here. This blog was going to be a way to share my faith and my little bit of knowledge with other women trying to live a victorious Christian life. Time literally flies when you're having fun, I have to admit. But time also flies when you're in the lowest of valleys, too. The last 108 months have held their fair share of both.

Today I want to remind myself of why I do what I do. And let you know that my heart is in the same place - right here with you. Thank you for your love and faithfulness.

September 1, 2009
I am committed to the notion that Christian women can be whole, happy, content and busy, all at the same time. There are times when we all feel overwhelmed by the burdens of everyday life, but our circumstances should never steal away the joy of our walk with God. We can live a victorious Christian life no matter what comes our way.

Psalm 51:12 says: Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Often the reason we feel weary and depressed is because we're not relying on the Lord to feed us daily with the joy and strength that come only from Him. My greatest joys in the day are when I'm in Bible study, when I'm journaling and when I'm on my knees in prayer. The closer we are to God, the more we will feel His comfort and power while we go about the routine of the day.

Today may be a tough day from the world's prospective, but in God's eyes it's just another opportunity to serve Him, to praise Him and to share His Gospel with someone. Everything else He blesses us with is just icing on the cake.

My intention for this site is to edify any Christian woman who comes to visit, giving her a place to go daily and be fed from God's Word. Along the way I will share with you some ways we can each live as a victorious Christian woman.

Praise ye the Lord!


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