Guest Post: I'd Rather Have Jesus...

My mother-in-love has a wonderful and unique opportunity in her life as God lays out a new path for her. After more than two decades as an Army officer's wife and almost 20 years as missionaries to Mongolia, she is now in another phase of her journey with the Lord. Here is her story. Have your Bible handy.

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ ... I press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:8,14

My honey and I are in preparations of starting on a new journey/adventure of the Lord's direction. It will mean starting over again in a new location (wherever He leads us), new home (whatever He provides) and getting rid of "stuff" (another way to say "down-sizing"). The Lord put me in remembrance of the Pilgrims leaving their "every-things" to seek religious freedom and the American Easterners leaving home, life and family to travel west to gain the riches in a new land; and most of all I was reminded of the Faithful Servants/Followers of God in Hebrews 11—known as the "Hall of Faith" chapter in God's Word. They suffered through persecution to never give up their faith to serve God and His gift of salvation through faith in His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. My hope and prayer is that this sparks thoughts of God, His Love for You, and sharing His Gospel Message of Jesus Christ.

God has a way of waking me up with a song in my heart and on my mind. Such was this on a morning not long ago when He woke me up singing "I’d Rather Have Jesus." Had not thought of this song in YEARS, so I got up and looked up the words and immediately God awakened His message within my heart and soul. 

I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold;I'd rather be His than have riches untold;I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands;I'd rather be led by His nail-pierced handThan to be the king of a vast domain
Or be held in sin's dread sway;
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
This world affords today.I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause;I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause;I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide fame;I'd rather be true to His holy nameHe's fairer than lilies of rarest bloom;He's sweeter than honey from out the comb;He's all that my hungering spirit needs;I'd rather have Jesus and let Him lead

We each MUST decide who we'd rather have - Jesus or this World's trappings. (Matthew 6:19-34)

It's Only Stuff and the Trappings of this World. "We’re Just Passing Through." Pilgrims on our way to a new land/city (Hebrews 11:13; 1Peter 2:11)

Getting Rid of Stuff - What is Your Heart's Attitude and Emotions?  Is It Stuff OR Are You Seeking First the Kingdom of God? (Matthew 6:33) It's a personal heart question/desire.

Pioneers Unloading in the Desert — They were uprooting, starting over, coming to a new land of opportunity, had to unload stuff to reach their destination, could they do it?? Many tears shed as they (especially the women) let go of family they had left behind in the east or to a grave in the desert, family heirlooms from many years gone by were dumped in the sand and heat to lighten the load so they could proceed to their destination. Those who did not toss their heavy load, suffered and eventually were left behind. They had to forge deep rivers, physically, mentally and emotionally. They had to come to the realization that it's only stuff or die in an unforgiving land. This stuff only holds our heart down to this world's trappings, just what Satan would have us do and feel. He tells our hearts and whispers in our mind of emotions. "You can’t do without this — it belonged to your mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, etc. How can you let go of something so precious?" Had I rather let go of my Savior's preciousness of His sacrificial love or hang on the sentimental trappings of "family stuff." What's the advantage of holding on to what rusts, corrupts, can be stolen or destroyed? My Jesus overcame it all!!! I am His and He is mine FOREVER!! I'd Rather Have Jesus — His love is EVERLASTING!! (John 3:16)

Heart's Desire to Serve our King Jesus - (Philippians 3:10) The pioneers didn't wake up one morning thinking "I'm going to head to a new land that I’ve only heard about." No, they had to commit to finding out and accept by faith that what they had only heard about was true. They had to "see" with a heart of faith. They had to have FAITH in the unknown "sight" of a new land. Some said it was a land flowing with milk and honey, filled with gold, a fruitful land of plenty. They didn't know the hardships in between where they were, the obstacles they would have to overcome or the letting go of what was familiar and cherished. But they were willing to go, no matter the cost.

They prepared for their journey - it wasn't haphazard planning, but ongoing days, weeks, hours of preparation. They ate, slept, lived and breathed what needed to be done for such a long journey. They must consider the cost and prepare for the "unknown" of whatever they would face ahead on this journey. This preparing took over their whole life. Their every thought, word and deed was on one thing — needs to be met for the journey to their new land. 

Heart's desire to know — For Jesus to be your King, you must belong to Him, have an active ongoing relationship with your King. Willing to serve Him, no matter the cost. This life-change begins with salvation. You cannot serve who you do not know. (Matthew 6). You cannot serve God and the world, can't let go of worldly desires without the strength of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit is found in John 16 - it takes the working of God's Holy Spirit that indwells the heart when you are born again of the Spirit of God! (John 3 — you MUST be born again). Romans 10:9-13 tells how to be born again — not a head knowledge but a HEART of repentance toward God and His Son. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

New Frontier — Being an "Overcomer" (my new favorite word) — Heavenly Kingdom Rewards/Scriptures. We are pilgrims traveling through the "unknown," which takes FAITH in action. Without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6) What is Faith? Heb 11:1 says "Faith is the substance of things hoped for" — none of us KNOW what lies ahead of us from one moment to the next, but we as Christians walk by faith in our Loving God and Savior. He must be our Guide for this journey upon this world's journey. We don't know where He will lead us, what will happen in our lives every moment,  but we must get ready and be ready to GO while trusting in His Word. We trust in Him to overcome persecution from those who criticize our every move — sometimes people who mean well, even our family — will try to be our "holy spirit" and try to make us doubt. "Did God really want us to cast aside our home, lives, family, etc to follow Him no matter who or what they say or do might criticize or condemn?" Jesus left His home, His Heavenly Kingdom, to come to us, to die for us and rise again to give us victory over death and to prepare a place for us in His Kingdom, His Bride. (Matthew 5:9-12). Am I, as His child, any better than He? Should I not be ready to Go, Share His glorious gospel to those who have never heard, no matter the cost? We each must personally answer the question!

Committed Service to His Church, His Bride

It’s not about "me," but about telling others the message of God’s Love. (John 3:16)
Jesus paid the price for our sinful condition. (Romans 6:23, 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:8-10)


Results of following and living for my King!!!
Peace — there is no peace in this world. Only through Jesus can we know Real life-changing Peace. (John 16:33) Imagine passing thru this world in complete peace of Knowing you are living for and following your Lord and Savior in complete Faith that God is in control of your life as you live and pick up your cross Daily and Follow Him. (John 9:23) No matter where He may lead, or what or who He may ask you to give up or sacrifice to serve and love Him. (Mark 10:29-30)

Matthew 22: 37-40 — Love the Lord God with all your Heart, Soul, Mind AND your neighbor as yourself. We are all called to be a missionary, starting with your home and family members, work, school, and surrounding neighbors. Some are called to be foreign missionaries to a foreign land, out of their comfort zone, but God's grace is sufficient for all—no matter where you are or how far His plan takes you.

Think on these things: Philippians 4:8 Pure Heart = Pure Life — no matter the cost!! 
Philippians 3:10 — To KNOW Him is worth it all !!!


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