The Library Book Sale And The 6 I'm Going To Start With

This was the weekend I’d been looking forward to since last May. Every year our public library asks for donations of books, puzzles, games and music to hold a fundraising sale. Last year they raised thousands of dollars thanks to the generosity of the community - and everyone who bought those thousands of books.

Yes … that means me. Several times over.

At noon on Friday they open the doors, and everyone follows the hand-drawn maps to their favorite genres. Nothing is priced more than $2, and the smart shoppers bring their own bags and boxes. I filled three bags on the first day and another bag on the second. I call Saturday “Regret Day” or “the day I go back and get the books I regret not getting on the first day.” Catchy title, huh? Sunday is 1/2-price day, which is always a winner in my book.

So this is the investment to my library from this year’s sale. I’m thrilled with all the amazing books I found, though I did have to finish a book I was already reading so I wouldn’t feel guilty about starting a new one. I know - the weird conversations that happen in our heads, right?

These are the six I’m most looking forward to:

  • Betty Crocker’s Cooky Book. I remember this book from my growing-up years, though I don’t remember specifically which ones we would have made. The pictures are classics, though, since it was published in 1963. It has a few bookmarks in it from the last baker to own it, and there are several notes throughout about which recipes worked and which didn’t.
  • 100 Ways to Promote Your Website. You can never know too much about how and what to do to get your name and business out there. I’m not as comfortable with Internet marketing as I am with traditional print methods, so this will definitely be a learning experience - one I’ll need to take notes on, too!
  • Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States: George Washington to Lyndon Baines Johnson. This one caught my eye the moment I saw the title. In 1965, Congress approved the collecting and publishing of these addresses with illustrations of each president as a House document. Only 16,125 copies were printed and were distributed to the Congressmen to pass along to their constituents. Interestingly enough, the four vice presidents who were sworn into office upon the death of the president ( John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson and Chester A. Arthur) gave no speech.
  • Ignore Everybody and 39 Other Keys to Creativity. I haven’t best at my most creative lately, and this looks the perfect book to get me refocused. Anything that will affect our handmade business positively is totally worth my time and energy.
  • Twelve Extraordinary Women. I love the subtitle to this book: How God shaped women of the Bible and what He wants to do with you. Enough said.
  • Twelve Ordinary Men. John MacArthur’s companion book to Twelve Extraordinary Women, I actually got this book for Danny, however, after reading its subtitle too, I may have to dive in to this one when he’s not around. It says: How the Master shaped His disciples for greatness and what He wants to do with you. That sounds like a great personal study topic.


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