An Ode To Our Titus Older Women

I have different women in the church that I go to for different things. I know exactly which ones will wrap me up in a big bear hug. I know who will be gentle in their words, while others will tell me exactly how it is. There is one woman who always shares craft ideas with me, and one who challenges me to be a better, more caring wife. And, of course, there's that one who makes me laugh until I cry.

When my week hasn't gone so well, there's one woman who knows it just by looking into my eyes. When I'm tired or discouraged, there are several women who touch my heart with their care and concern. And when I need a shoulder to cry on or just lean on for a while, I know just where to turn.

These characteristics don't just come naturally to some women and not others - they are learned. They come from years of experiences, decades of suffering and a lifetime of watching God, studying His word and living lives sold out for Him. Then it becomes that woman's responsibility to pass on what she has learned.

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Titus 3:3-5

How do we learn these things if no one steps us to teach us? What will the next generation know about loving and serving God if they aren't told and shown? How terrible would it be if all the knowledge you had stored up in you died with you?

Make the decision today, right this very minute, to share what you know. If a woman you know is struggling in some area, share what you've learned about how to get through it leaning on the Lord. Don't let her self destruct when you could have stepped up. We women stick together, right?

One of the teen girls in our monthly Bible study came to me recently with some questions, and I actually knew the answers. I felt like one of those Titus older women who gladly and willingly teaches the younger girls everything they know. If I can help someone trust in God to do in their life what He's done in mine, it will be worth all the pain and heartache. What a beautiful challenge, what an amazing calling in our lives.


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