A Weekend of Working It Out

I'm so excited - I met my workout goal! I increased my routine every day for two whole weeks!

That may not seem like a huge victory to some, but to me, that was immensely fulfilling. I fought through the excuses, the pain, the discouragement and everything else to achieve what I set out to accomplish.

Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12

Make this a weekend of working it out.

Physically: Start an exercise plan, change your eating habits or just get out and walk for a little while. Working out your body is a great way to praise God and thank Him for the health He's given you.

Emotionally: Is there something holding you back from experiencing the joy of the Lord? Take the time this weekend to work it out - pray about it, journal about it, talk to a sister in Christ, whatever it takes for you to being working through it.

Spiritually: Are you growing in the Lord the way you'd like? Have you made time for Bible reading, prayer and other activities that will bless you right down to your soul? Work it out that these two days will be filled with spiritually renewing moments.

Financially: Are you trying to save for something and can't seem to work it out? Have you been trying to get out of debt or pay off a bill? Take a few minutes this weekend and create a saving/spending plan that will truly work. Be a good steward of the money God has blessed you with.


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