The ABCs of My Week

This is my ABC list for the week. I have printed it off and I'm going to mark off each one as I pray about them over the next seven days. I encourage you to do the same - print it, pray about it, adjust it to fit your own personal needs and see if your heart finds conviction to make some changes in your life for the Lord. He already has in mine. I can't wait to see what the week brings.

Just for this week:
Accept the week that God has planned for you.
Believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord delights in you.
Change your attitude in a drastic way.
Determine to be dedicated and devoted to Christ.
Escape the devil's grasp through repentance and prayer. matter how hard it might be.
Go forth and take on the day knowing you walk with the Lord.
Hope against all everything.
Invite one family to come to church with you this week.
Just live in the moment God has given you right now.
Keep on keepin' on...even when it hurts.
Leave all your cares at the foot of the cross.
Memorize one verse of Scripture every day this week.
Notice your blessings more than focusing on the negatives.
Open your heart and your eyes to the people around you.
Praise God with every breath you breathe for the next seven days.
Quit trying to fix everything and let God handle it.
Resist the urge to beat yourself up over your shortcomings.
Sit, be still and know that He is God.
Tell your testimony to one person who has never heard it.
Uncover a need that no one would ever tell you about, then fill that need.
Visit one person you know desperately needs someone.
Walk the walk you want to be remembered for.
eXamine your motivations in how you act, speak, think and live.
Yearn to be so close to God that His presence envelopes you completely.
Zoom through the difficult times in the days ahead so you can spend more time rejoicing in the good ones.


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