Every Day Is A Gift

This adorable red gift bow ring was in my Christmas stocking this past year. Yes, I put it in there myself, but I still absolutely adore it!

Now, I am not a big, gaudy jewelry kind of person. I like silver and I like subtle, but this ring just tickles me. I can't type in it, so I have to take it off at work. I try to only wear it on holidays that are celebrated with bow-topped gifts, but I generally wear it whenever I'm wearing red.

Why would I want something that's so very much out of my character and comfort zone?

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17

Today is a gift from my Heavenly Father, all wrapped up with a beautiful bow on top. This ring reminds of that, even when the day is long...and difficult...and tiring...and stressful...and depressing...and painful.

My husband is an undertaker, so I'm fully aware that we are not promised tomorrow, or the rest of the day for that matter. This moment - the one God has you living through right now - is a good and perfect gift. The bow on my finger is large and cumbersome. And it constantly reminds me of how much the Lord is blessing me at this very instant.

Today is a good gift and a perfect gift. It has come directly from above, and it comes straight from God just for you.

I don't know what your day will bring, but I know who has given you the gift of these precious 24 hours. Let's take the time today to thank and praise God for it.


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