ABC Alphabet Board Book Project

A woman contacted me through our etsy shop a few weeks ago to see if I could put together some party favors for her son's birthday. She had seen the alphabet book I had in the shop and wanted five of them.

Well, I agreed, and it's been such a fun project!

I didn't have the exact papers and embellishments anymore, so I got to use up some extras I had stored up. She wanted primary colors, so that part was easy. I had tons of letter stickers to use throughout all five books, and it was fun to mix and match to make it all work.

But believe it or not, the best part was combing through my sticker collection over and over again to find pictures that would go with each letter. I had used a set in the original book that was an animal and the letter all in one sticker, but I didn't have any more and couldn't find them again.

So I had to rely on creativity and a 20-year collection of stickers. There are quarters for Q. Xtreme sports for X. Lollipops for L. I even found several violins for V. I guess it's a good thing I have eclectic taste!

The books went in the mail yesterday. I pray they arrive safely and quickly so that little boy can enjoy them as much as I have.

If you're looking for a way to use up your supplies, and actually get an idea of what you have saved up and tucked away, make some alphabet board books. You'll clean out your stash in a hurry!


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