Bird Nest Cupcakes

Upon first inspection, this appears to be an ordinary carton of eggs. But that's the idea!

Inside is a set of 18 lovely little bird nest cupcakes. Each one is a lemon cake covered with frosting and toasted coconut, then topped with a robin's egg candy. This is the perfect treat for spring, and even though it looks time-consuming and complicated, it's definitely not.

* 1 box of lemon cake mix
* egg, oil and water as directed on the box
* 1 package coconut flake
* 1 container whipped vanilla frosting
* 1 package robin's egg candy

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line mini muffin tin with paper liners.

2. Fix cake mix as directed on the box. Divide into mini muffin tin lined with paper liners.

3. Bake at 350 degrees for 13 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove from pan and cool completely.

4. Turn oven down to 300 degrees.

5. Line an edged baking sheet with foil. Cover foil with a dingle layer of coconut. Place in oven, watching carefully. The edges will begin to turn brown and then the whole thing will go very quickly. Remove when about half is toasted. This gives you the combination of brown and white in the bird nest. Put toasted coconut in a bowl and continue with rest of the bag.

6. Liberally frost the cupcakes and twirl in the bowl of coconut to cover completely. Use a tiny dollop of frosting to attach the egg to the top of the cupcake. 

Each box of cake mix will make 65-70 mini cupcakes. Any leftover toasted coconut can be used for other baking or for ice cream topping. Hmmm....two goodies in one!


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