If Your Pew Could Talk...

...what would it say to you?

"Good to see you...it's been a while!"

"Praise the Lord, this is the third time this week we've been together!"

"Just once a week? I miss you the other six days."

"If you want to hit your knees right here, I'll catch your tears."

"The Lord desires your presence even more than I do. Thank you for being here."


  1. Ah, yes, if pews could talk!

    Someday, I wonder if God will call the walls of our homes into court for a witness.

    "Yes, Your Honor, she said rough things to her family. It was sad how she..."

    Or will they say, "She made some mistakes, but she often went to her private place of prayer and repentance, and I watched in hushed silence as she begged God's forgiveness and strength."

    Great post, and I really liked the pictures!

    In His Love, Lisa

  2. Scripture tells us that God's eye goes to and fro throughout the earth, but we often forget that His ears do, too. Closed doors, out of sight from the rest of the world means nothing when we stand before our Lord. Truly makes you stop before you speak...act...even breathe!

    Can you pick out the pews you've sat in from these pictures? =)

    Have a wonderful day in the Lord, Lisa!



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