Will You Share Your Lamp Light?

Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights are two of my favorite parts of the week. There's something about sharing what I'm getting from God's Word with our teenagers that does my heart good like nothing else can. If you've ever taught anybody anything, you know that feeling!

Danny and I have always said that we study Scripture for ourselves, so our relationship with the Lord is strong, and we just let the teens listen in twice a week while we talk about it. Right now we're studying the Bible in chronological order, something we've never done before, and that means I'm reading and studying and gleaning new things all the time. Hopefully that excitement transfers to them as they listen and learn and get hands-on in Scripture, too.

Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:3-5

Imagine that you're standing next to a plot of dirt and rocks. You've been told that there are some amazing treasures there, but you'll have to find them yourself. If they're truly treasures - something you'll keep and love and appreciate forever - you'll probably do more than just brush away a little of the topsoil. You'll get the heaviest tools you can find and dig 'til you can't dig anymore. You can't rely on anyone to dig for you, you only keep what you dig for yourself, and you know that the deeper you dig the more valuable your treasure will be.

Solomon wrote thousands of years ago that knowledge and understanding from learning God's Word are those treasures. I have to agree from first-hand experience. The deeper I dig, the more I read and the more the Holy Spirit illuminates for me, the more valuable and precious my Bible and my relationship with God become.

I love studying Scripture and I love getting to know my Lord better every day, but it doesn't stop there. Yes, it's great to get nuggets from His Word and treasure His gifts in my heart, but I can't keep it to myself. It's my God-given purpose to share everything He's done, is doing, and will do with other people. 

You don't have to be a Sunday school teacher or a youth leader or even a parent to share what you've learned about God. Matthew Henry wrote in his commentary of the Bible that knowledge is given us to do good with, that others may light their candle at our lamp. This quote does my heart good because it's my motivation to share what I'm learning with our teenagers. If I can light one candle from my lamp of knowledge, I can rejoice for all eternity. Mulitple that by all the youth have been through our room and will be there for years to come, it's an exciting celebration to think about in heaven.

Will you share your lamp light with someone today? 


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