Eggnog Cookie Dip For Your Next Gift Or Party

One of the staples of any Christmas kitchen is fresh-baked cookies. There are so many great recipes to choose from, and you could probably make a different one every day and still want more!

While you're in a cookie-baking and gifting mood, whip up some of this lovely eggnog dip to have alongside your favorite cookies. You can store it in an air-tight container for up to two weeks, so make enough to share!

8oz cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup eggnog, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp rum extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
2 cups powdered sugar, packed

1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the cream cheese until soft and completely smooth. Don't let there be any clumps - beat it as long as you can or the finished texture will be lumpy.

2. Mix in the vanilla, rum extract, cinnamon and nutmeg until combined.

3. Beat in the eggnog until the texture is creamy and smooth.

4. Add the powdered sugar one cup at a time. Be prepared to add more or less depending on the consistency of the dip. More powdered sugar = a thicker cookie dip.


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