Let's Dig Deeper With Some New Year's Eve Questions

One of the best ways to spark conversation, get to know each other, reflect on the past and look forward to the future is by asking questions. And the end of the year is the perfect time to ask those questions. I made this stack for our youth group, so they can be a little introspective about the past year before we gear up for a new lesson series through Genesis.

After coming up with about 50 questions, I created a single card in my design program and duplicated it to fill the page. Then I duplicated the page and changed the writing on each card. My questions are everything from the best lesson you learned this year to most embarrassing moment to what one creative thing do you want to do in the coming year. It's fun to think about the teens and what their answers might be, but it's also very serious when I think about them asking me the same questions.

The pages are printed on card stock and cut out around the outside of the design box. My prayer is that we'll be able to use them year after year and they'll become a favorite part of the youth group experience. I hope you'll create a version of these questions that will work for your family, friends, office or church. Be prepared for some laughs, maybe a few tears and lots of great conversation about our past, our present and our future together.


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