God Always Preserves His Word

Last week I was able to hold pages from Bibles printed in the 1600s. To some people this may not be the most wonderful thing in the world, but to an avid bibliophile and Christian woman, I literally had goosebumps.

It’s true that God, from the beginning of time, has preserved His word. In was originally spoken, passed down from generation to generation through stories, celebrations and memorials. Then it was written in various forms and languages, but it was still God’s word, saved and treasured and special.

Holding these 400+-year-old Bible pages was more than just touching a piece of history, although that makes them special, too. I couldn’t help but think of the people who had suffered, were tortured and killed just for the right to have a Bible and read it. People down through the centuries have given their lives for me to hang these pages in our church.

With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:10-11

So it is now my responsibility to help keep these pages alive. I am to hide these words in my heart, not just read them and move on with my day, but learn them, study them, mine the truths out of them and keep them tucked away for when I need them most. God’s word is such a treasure, one that needs to be shared every single day, for our good and His glory. How can you share His word today?

The word of God never returns void, and my prayer is that having these Bible pages from so many centuries ago out where people can see them will change someone’s life. I know how they’ve changed mine.


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