Books I Read And Loved In March

One of the things I’ve given up in the past year was reading books just for the fun of reading books. For some reason I’ve felt like everything I read should be a Bible study book or some deep writings that would change my life completely. I’m not sure where these ideas came from, but I evicted them from my brain in March and read some amazing books.

* The Powerful Purpose of Introverts by Holley Gerth. I am the perfect example of an introvert - I’m happy interacting one-on-one, I get overstimulated very easily and time by myself is the best way to recharge my batteries. This book let me know that I’m not the only one who feels this way and that I have so many gifts to offer. Love it!

* Living True by Christy Wright. This 40-day devotional is sweet and serious and challenging all at the same time. It’s a reminder of who God is, who we were created to be, how to accept where we are right now and how to trust God with where we’re going in life from here. I think I highlighted half the book because she shares so much truth from the Scriptures. Love it!

* Cassidy, Sabrina, Jessie, Every Little Thing About You, A Texas Sky and City Girl all by Lori Wick. When I find a book I love, I read it over and over ... and over and over. These two trilogies fall into that category - I enjoy them, I know where the story is going and they’re filled with mini-messages about God, growing in faith and witnessing to others. Love them!

What books are on your reading list so far this year?


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