Questions To Ask As You Spring Clean Your Closet

If you had to guess, what percentage of the clothes in your closet do you actually wear? I discovered this week that I like to look at my clothes, but I’m not really wearing them - like a weird clothing museum taking up space in my house.

Believe it or not, it took me less than an hour to go through everything in my closet. This box was the result. And to be honest, I’m not overly emotional about it. I kept the pieces that I absolutely love and make me feel good when I’m wearing them. That’s what’s most important, not how much clothing I have or where they came from.

With the warm temperatures and bright sunshine this week, it didn’t take long for me to think about having a yard sale. With this box of clothes as the first addition to a potential sale, it’s motivation to keep going, sort some things out and have a little extra money because of it.

So how do you make decisions about what clothes to keep and which ones to pass on? Ask yourself these questions:

1. When was the last time you wore them? If it’s been a year or more, pull them out.

2. Are they in good shape? If they’re stained, ripped, faded or misshapen, pull them out.

3. Do they actually fit? If you can’t zip them up or get the buttons buttoned, pull them out.

4. Does this make me feel good when I wear it? If they don’t make you happy and confident, pull them out.

5. Does this still reflect my style? If you can’t remember when or why you bought them, pull them out.

6. Am I keeping them because of who gave them to me? If you don’t like them but they were a gift, pull them out.

7. Will someone else get good use out of them? If they’re still in good shape and someone else would love to have them, pull them out.

Is there anything in your clothes closet that can go in a sale and make you some extra money? Go through them and see what you can pull out.


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