My Grandma’s Baking Dish Cookie Bars

Sometimes the best recipes are the ones you grew up with. You know what I mean - those special treats that transport you back to childhood with just a smell and a nibble.

That’s what these cookie bars do to me.

I stumbled across this recipe completely by accident. And I haven’t had these cookie bars for at least 20 years, but they are exactly as I remember them. They came from my grandma’s special recipe card stash, held together on a clothespin stand she had much longer than I was alive. Just reading the typewriter letters on the stained recipe card was enough to make me choke up a little. And hearing her voice as I read through it was just icing on the cake.

It did my heart good to share these bars with the youth group last night and to tell them a little about my grandma and who she was. It led to other stories about their families and things that had been passed down over the years, and that was such a blessing.

It’s the desire of my heart that you will find a recipe that means something to you and fix it this week, even if it’s for no particular reason. Transform it somehow to make it your own, like I did by using butterscotch chips and no nuts. The results will be not only yummy, but a special memory to save forever.


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