My “Happy Birthday To Me” Planner Layout

On Wednesday I will turn 43 years old! In celebration of this amazing milestone, this is the planner layout I’ll get to see all week. And yes, I’m trying to stretch the celebration out for as long as I can. (Wink, wink)

The embellishments for this spread come from a variety of places - 3D glittered stickers from my collection, washi tape that I received for Christmas last year, balloons upcycled from old greeting cards and letter stickers that I’ve had for about forever. All together, they look incredibly festive.

I wish I could tell you what this week will bring, like I normally do, but this time it’s a bit of a mystery. And not just because of birthday secrets, either. I’m working from home again because of the pandemic, and that always leaves things up in the air. Summertime is a difficult time to get all the youth together for anything, so our lans for youth group may change this week. I’m leaving my entire schedule up to God, though, instead of worrying about what’s going to happen next. Praying we all have an amazing week in the Lord’s timing.


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