What's Powering You?

One of the things Iowa is known for is its windmill farms. You can find the large, silver windmills dotting the landscape all along many of the state’s rural roads. The old wooden windmills seem like ancient relics in comparison.

It’s also neat to see them being transported down the highway to their new homes. Each blade is strapped to an oversized semi-truck trailer bed. And there is almost always a three-truck caravan coming down the road, so we always look ahead to see if we can see all of them.

Wind power is one of those natural energies that will never run out. As long as we have windy days, we’ll have this amazing source of power to harness. Our ancestors saw its usefulness on their farms, and technology has come up with even more efficient ways to use that power.

All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD; and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power; To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Psalm 145:10-12

Just as the giant windmills harness the power of the wind, there are wonderful miracles in our everyday lives that show the power of God. It is our responsibility - and our blessing and joy - to be able to share these powerful works with so many people. As I heard it said long ago: Share the gospel. And if necessary, use words.

If we’re blessing and praising God in every opportunity we have, we’ll be harnessing some of God’s power. Our faith transmits that power through our words and our actions, passing it along to someone else by way of our testimony. We may be the only Bible some of our friends and family may ever see. I pray we’re giving God the honor and glory that He’s due because He’s still in the miracle business. That power is something, like those windmill farms, keeps us energized and full of praise and thanksgiving.


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