Turning Your Circumstances Into Prayers

If I had to wager a guess, I would say you're probably going through a trial or a storm right now. If you're not, it's also possible that you will be before long. These times of testing grow us, change us and prepare us for whatever God has planned for us next, but that doesn't make them any less painful.

The best way to thrive - not just survive - in these long days is simply to pray. We always want to do something, try something new or ask someone else to change something in our situations, but none of these are the answer. No one can begin to touch your circumstances the way God can with a simple touch of His hand. And whatever He has you going through at this precise moment is exactly what you need to mature in your faith and rely on Him for your every need.

But so many times we don't know exactly what to pray. Are we supposed to pray that the situation just goes away? No. Should we ask that God changes that other person so everything will be like it once was? Of course not. Can we pray that He punish someone for the harm they have inflicted? Not a good idea.

So how do you turn these difficult circumstances into a prayer? Here are just a handful of ideas to get you 

* Pray for wisdom. (2 Chronicles 1:10) Solomon didn't pray that God would bless him with riches or power, but simply the wisdom to make the best decisions he could as ruler and king. If we ask the Lord to give us His wisdom in the midst of a trial, we can rest assured that His prefect guidance will get us through.

* Pray for God's peace. (Philippians 4:7) This is one that I have prayed more times than I can count. It's incredibly difficult to make good choices when you're anxious and worried, so it's such a blessing to be covered with His perfect, all-covering peace when times get tough.

* Pray for His hand of conviction in all involved. (Ezekiel 11:19) God is the only one who can change a heart - yours or someone else's. He can turn a stony heart to flesh, a cold heart to warm and a broken heart to one that can sing with joy.

* Pray for His will, not your own. (Matthew 26:39) Here is Jesus' perfect example of praying the Lord's will over our lives. How easy it is to simply enter God's throne room and complain about how life is treating us. It's another thing altogether to lay everything at the foot of the cross and leave it there.

* Pray to be used as a testimony, even in this. (John 3:32-34) While you're waging spiritual battle in the midst of difficult times, you stand before the world as a testimony of what God can do. Your witness will be even stronger in the hard times than the bad times because anyone can be faithful and true when it's all sunshine and roses. You will make the most impact when you stand firm in your faith even when the ground seems to be crumbling beneath you.


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