A Weekend of Wandering

The path you're on right now is probably familiar and comforting. Or maybe you're tired of the rut you're walking in. How long have you been on this path?

And how many different paths could you take this weekend?

* Physically, you could go somewhere you've never been before, or haven't been for a long time. You could meet people, share yourself and learn something new.

* Spiritually, you could begin a Bible study on a section of Scripture you don't know much about. Start with a passage that interests you and see where the Lord leads.

* Emotionally, you could lay aside some baggage and see how the path feels when you're not weighed down. The freedom might surprise you - and heal you at the same time.

* Intellectually, you could read something different, watch something different, talk to someone different or experience something different. Expanding your mind can be one of the greatest wanderings of all.

Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance. Psalm 89:15
Make this a weekend of wandering to somewhere different. See where God's path for you is leading - go with an open mind and a willing heart. Your wandering this weekend may be the trip of a lifetime.


  1. I want to comment on the daily devotion about Zeresh.

    Zeresh is a relevant example for wives that no one seems to mention or notice. She definitely believes in supporting her husband’s every whim, even when it’s self destructive and dangerous.
    She didn’t pray for Haman that God would give him proper direction or change his mind. She didn’t have any WISE words for her husband. She just joined his band wagon.

    Although, Zeresh SUPPORTED her husband’s whims and leadership, she failed to be the EZER – helper God designed her to be. Not only did she fail to be a helper to husband, but she failed to be a helper in her community to Haman’s sons. Zeresh was a foolish wife. She was no Abigail!

    Unfortunately, most teachers don't teach about her. Her example contradicts popular teachings that a wife should always go along with and encourage what the husband wants or thinks is best.

    You told the truth about Zeresh, and I greatly appreciate that. I pray that more people would simply teach the truths of the Bible, rather than simply reiterating status quo doctrines.

  2. I enjoy meeting new people and experiencing new things, but, it's just kinda hard to find the time with full-time job, household duties, six-year-old child activities. Thanks much for sharing this blog post. It's very insightful.

  3. Moderator: It's also important to remember that this is an ungodly couple. There was no prayer and no help-meet motivation because God wasn't in their lives. Why do we expect the lost to act any other way than lost? Zeresh was a foolish wife because she rejected God first and foremost.

    Cecelia: Yes, time is short most days. Even if there were two more hours in the day, we'd find ways to fill them. But we are a bigger blessing to those around us when we're filled up, prayed up and tuned up ourselves. I pray that you'll find balance in the path God is leading you down today. His is always the best.

    My prayers are with you both.
    Have a wonderful day in the Lord.


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