My Early Birthday Present Is Both Useful And Sweet

I have the best husband in the entire world! Not only did he order exactly what I needed to organize a huge part of my craft room, he spent half the night putting them together so I would have an early birthday present.

This was my storage system for wood-backed rubber stamps for years. It was unsightly, incredibly heavy and completely awkward for actually finding stamps in it. Danny listened when I explained what I actually needed - shallow, wide drawers to hold a single layer of stamps. I wanted to be able to see them at a glance, which is the exact opposite of a big bucket.

After Danny put my two sets of drawers together, I spread out every single stamp I own on the floor of the craft room by theme. I honestly didn’t think I had this many, but I also have a huge drawer full of cling stamps in another container. Another day…

Now I have 12 drawers of neat, organized and sorted stamps. I don’t have any room to grow, so I can’t invest in any more stamps right now, but that’s ok too. After seeing everything I have, it’s like Christmas opening the drawers and seeing what I forgot I had. My birthday and Christmas, all wrapped up into one! Thank you, Sweetheart!


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