My Prayer For The New Year

Gracious Heavenly Father,

You are my Lord, my Savior and my Friend. You have blessed me so far above all I can ask or think in the past year. Each day was filled with examples of your grace and mercy, even though I didn’t deserve them. God, You are good and true no matter what the circumstances around me have been.

I thank you, Lord, for my salvation and the opportunity to have a personal relationship with You. You have changed my life in so many ways because of this one miracle.

Thank You for bringing me through my circumstances and carrying me when I was weak and weary. Thank You for defending me when I had no fight left in me. And thank You for showing me Your love and delight at every turn. You are my joy and my light.

In the year to come, Father, I will praise You with my whole heart. Even when times are difficult and the days seem dark, help me to see You in every trial. You already know what I will go through, and I already know you will bring me through it. Strength my faith every day, showing me what is possible when I trust in You.

With a humble heart, I ask that You touch the lives of my family and friends. Let them see Your hand at work in each moment of their lives, too. Give them comfort when they need You, joy over Your miracles and peace during this season of their lives. May You bless them in as many ways as You have blessed me, and I know they will praise You, too.

In the precious and holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen and Amen.


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