Help Your Friends With Christmas Treats Portion Control

If you had to make a random guess, how many cookies, cakes and candies do you think you eat during the Christmas season?

Are you a grazer - do you just eat your way through the holidays?

Do you just give up and eventually accept any and every yummy treat that comes your way?

If this mentality sounds familiar, you can assume there are many other people who feel the same thing. This Christmas, let's take a stand and help each other find moderation with all the goodies.

What can you do? It can be simple.

* If you're making and giving lots of sweet treats, practice portion control. Small plastic containers, especially ones with compartments like the ones pictured here, are the perfect solution.

* Instead of making full-sized loaves of bread or quick bread, make several mini loaves. More people can receive one, and you'll give smaller portions.

* Choose small gift plates rather than dinner plates. You can fill them fuller and still give fewer treats.

* Give treats out at the end of an event or the end of the day. Then they can take them home instead of eating them all at once.

Whether they say it or not, your friends and family will be thrilled that they don't have to eat an exorbitant amount of food during the holidays. You'll be contributing to a happier, healthier season in a small way, which means a lot.


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