A Year Of Grace

Last night at 6:10 p.m., I turned 41. I praise God for the blessings of the past year, and I thank Him for protecting me and loving me beyond measure. I am humbled by all He has done for me and continues do to through me.

As my birthday approached, I asked God to give me a word to study for the upcoming year, from now until July 29, 2019. The word that kept resonating in my heart was grace.

There are 159 verses containing the word grace, and the majority of them are in the New Testament. Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. This terribly long and complicated definition requires more study, and I'm looking forward to diving right in.

But he giveth more grace... James 4:6

What do I hope to learn from this study?
* What grace is and how God uses it.
* How God's grace has affected and changed me.
* Why grace is such an important scriptural focus.
* When grace is most obvious in my life.
* How I can in turn extend grace to others.

I don't want to be stagnant or mediocre in my faith, but grow and learn more every single day. Please pray with me that God will speak to my heart through this year of study.


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