A Week Of Delight

It's always a great day when you open up the tool box and there's a great big smile waiting to greet you!

Ok, so it's really the back side of a mounting bracket, but there's very distinctly a smiley face there. Right? You do see it. Please say you see it, too.

If you open your eyes to the world around you, not just get your pliers out and move on, there are all kinds of things happening to make you smile.

Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:4-5

When your heart is in tune with God, His desires become your desires and His delights become your delights. Then you'll see moments of joy everywhere you go because you're aware of the blessings all around you.

Make this a week of delight. Look at things you've looked at a thousands times with eyes of joy and delight in the Lord. Trust Him to put delightful things in your path, and you'll soon find smiley faces everywhere you look. It might be a challenge at first, but the delight of the Lord will give you a whole new outlook on how He moves in lives.


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