What Are You Reading And Why?

I have many favorite Scriptures. I know what to read when I need some motivation - the Proverbs 31 Woman. I know what to read when I'm a little down - Psalm 5. I can read the story of the crucifixion whenever I start to forget what my Savior did for me. And I love reading Paul's epistles and how appropriate they are for me today.

You have your own favorite Scriptures, too, I'm sure. The ones you turn to when you're in a praising mood, places you go when you're in need, pages that are worn because you've turned there so many times before. There are verse you've cried over, sung joyful melodies to and longed to read again and again. They're your favorites for a reason.

In contrast, there are certain books of the Bible, regrettably, that I only read to get through them. I'll admit that I don't understand some of them and don't thoroughly enjoy them because of that. Instead of gleaning from them, I read the words and not the meaning.

So we fall into the habit of reading to hear what we want to hear instead of studying to learn what God has to say to us. It's easier to read through the 23rd Psalm again than it is to dig into the book of Deuteronomy. But what if the message the Lord has for me today isn't in the book of Psalms at all, but it's deeply buried in the Pentateuch? What am I missing out on if I'm only reading through the passages I like and not following the leading of the Holy Spirit?

How sad to think that I might miss out on the guidance I need for the day because I wouldn't study to hear the voice of God. It might be difficult for the moment, but imagine the blessings that can come when we step out of our Biblical comfort zone and listen for the still small voice of the Scripture.

What is your reading plan for today? For the week? For the month of November?


Is that where God is leading you to be?


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