Fall Leaves, Jesus Doesn't

Lots of things change during the fall season - the colors darken, temperatures get colder and the winds get more brisk. And most noticeably, the leaves change color and fall off. This is one of the

Once those leaves drop off, the trees are left bare. The leaves themselves shrivel, decay away and disappear. Those leaves will never come back, even though the tree will grow new ones in the spring.

Fall leaves - but Jesus doesn't. This is one of my favorite fall bulletin boards ever. Many, many things in life will change, from the leaves to the people we're around to the situations we're in. But one thing is forever constant - Jesus is in the midst.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8

How much more simply could God's Word explain it? The Lord that we read about in the Bible is the same Lord that lives in us today. The same Jesus that healed the sick, gave sight to the blind and made the lame walk is the same Jesus Who leads, guides and directs us today. He has not changed one little bit. The same yesterday, today and forever.

As you go about your week, things will change. You, your family and the world around you will be different on Friday than you are today. Maybe that will be for the good and maybe it will be in ways we never imagined. But I pray that you will see the consistency in the Christ we serve. No matter what changes - and many things will this fall - Jesus doesn't.


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