Stuffed Scallops ... Or Finding Something New

There's something special - in my mind anyway - about getting the grocery store circular in the mail. When you love food, planning and listing and getting ready for a week's worth of menus does lovely things to the heart.

So when our local store had a hugs seafood special this week, I was thrilled! Danny and I both marked up the ad and made our wish lists. Since you can't really get one of everything - as much fun as that would be - making choices is lots of fun.

My favorite choice for the week were these stuffed scallops. They are a gorgeous mixture of seafood nestled in a perfect scallop shell. Not only do they taste amazing, the presentation is one of the most beautiful I've seen from a grocery store.

I've saved the shells and have a lovely craft project for them. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, I encourage you to try something different. Look through your grocery store circular this week and find just one thing that's one sale that you've never tried before. The results might be as fantastic as ours!


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