
The word "behold" is used more than 1,300 times in the Scriptures. It may seem like a simple word, but the Lord uses it in powerful ways.

The definition of "behold" generally means to look at or to see. But a deeper, more spiritual definition is used in Scripture - to fix attention upon an object, to attend, to direct or fix the mind.

When we are called with the word "behold," we aren't just being told to look at something with our eyes, but to fix the attention of our hearts in a certain place. And if the word is used 1.300 times, that's a lot of important things that we are to fix our minds on.

One of the most familiar "behold" verses in from the Christmas story.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10

In the shock of the moments after the angel appeared to the shepherds, they were reminded that this wasn't the important part. Behold - fix your attention on this part - that I bring you good tidings of great joy. The Savior is born today, and that's the most wonderful place to fix your mind at this moment.

God says behold to His children hundreds of times in the Old Testament.
The angel of the Lord says behold to many different people to direct their attention.
Jesus says behold to His disciples, followers and the needy throughout the Gospels.
The writers of Scriptures say behold to get the attention of generations of readers.

As you're doing your Bible study this week, be on the lookout for the word "behold." See who uses it, in what context and what specifically they're being called to pay attention to. How wonderful that this word can draw your attention, too.


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