I Just Want a Good Book

Have you tried finding a good book lately?

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been to the library, the library book sale, two different book stores and looked all over the Internet. All I want are some fun new books to read.

That's all. Is that too much to ask?

Apparently so.

If you've been looking for books yourself, you've probably noticed the same trends that I have. Books are dark these days - very dark and very evil. The covers, even of many children and teen books, are black and gray. The titles are all words about evil, magic, witchcraft and dark things I just don't want to read about. But writers and the book industry are feeding this darkness to every age group.

And if you read the blurbs and reviews of today's books, you have to censor them. The topics are all things that make me blush, let alone want to know about other people. I don't know about you, but I don't mind not knowing some of those things.

So what's a girl to do? I love to read - I have since I was old enough to understand the stringing together of letters and words. But you have to make serious, deliberate choices when picking out books these days. Protecting your mind and your heart often begins with protecting what comes through your eyes.

I've made the choice to read the Bible more than I read any other book. Some days that's a challenge, but I have recommitted myself to God's Word. That's what will feed my soul and sharpen my mind, not the fluff of the world.

Here's what else is on my bookshelf right now:
* The Nature Connection by Clare Walker Leslie (2010). Living out in the country gives us an up-close look at nature, and this book has all kinds of activities, ideas and information about what's going on in the world around us. Lots of journaling space and room to sketch and add photographs make this a keepsake as well as a lesson in the outdoors. Love it!

* Southern Living's Big Book of Cupcakes (2011). Is this any real surprise? I'm always drawn in by pictures of impressively decorated cupcakes, and this book is full of them! But they're not over-the-top, intricate recipes and designs that you would never use. They're just a jumping off point to actually create something of your own.

* Death Dines at 8:30 (2001). Now, I'm not usually a murder mystery kind of girl, but this one is lovely. It's a collection of short stories, none more than 10 pages, by a variety of authors. Each story has a food story line, the murder happens at 8:30 at there's a recipe at the end that was used in the story. It's delightful, and I can't wait to try out a couple of those recipes!

* Faith Made Them Champions (1954). A Guideposts collection of articles, this book is an oldy-but-goody. Sixty-five sports figures, business executives, adventurers and historical figures tell how God has made them able to succeed when life gave them challenges. Fabulous!

It may take some looking and some digging to get past the filth of today's book world, but when you find some really great reading, it's totally worth the effort.


  1. Well said, Laura. And may I add that as a Christian writer, it is disheartening to have to compete with all that filth because, sadly, that's what sells. My books are clean and wholesome, and sometimes I wonder if anyone (other than me) wants to read that kind of literature anymore. Thank you for renewing my hope that there are readers out there searching for quality, wholesome reading. You can find out more about my books by visiting my website, www.DanaRongione.com, and I also do book reviews on my blog, www.DanaRongione.blogspot.com.

    Through my book reviews, I've come across some good and some bad fiction and non-fiction alike, but I offer honest reviews from a Christian perspective, so if I don't like a book, I'll tell you why. I'd love for you to stop by sometime and see if anything sparks your interest. And I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I strive to continue in the work the Lord has led me to do. God bless you!

  2. Thank you so much, Dana, for helping light the way in the book world. With our love for words, it's so hard to find something that fits God's standards and fulfills our need enjoyment and entertainment. I appreciate you and the writing you do.

    And yes, you are in my prayers - I pray you'll be willing to be excatly what He needs you to be.

    Have a wonderful day in the Lord, Dana!


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