Filled With the Glory of God

And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen. Psalm 72:19

I have completely forgotten to be focused on the glory of God. I've gotten wrapped up in schedules and responsibilities -  so distracted by the stuff of the day that the Lord has taken a back seat.

God has filled every moment of every day with His glory. He creates absolutely stunning moments in our lives, just because He can and because He delights in us.

He may show His glory in the colors of a sunset through the clouds. Or He may give us five peaceful minutes in the middle of a hectic day. And He'll always make His glory shine through when we need it most. He is everywhere, giving us a piece of Himself.

But it's up to us to be actively searching for His glory during our day. That's what turns a discouraging, disappointing life into one that glows with light and life. We could cram everything possible into one day, which we often try to do, and it would never compare to one precious moment of truly understanding the glory of God.

I pray we will all begin again today and seek God's glory in both the small and great things that will happen today. His glory is everywhere - can you see it?


  1. Thanks, just what I needed today. Mary Cline

  2. My pleasure! It's amazing how God blesses us in ways we can all enjoy!

    Have a wonderful day in the Lord!


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