The Power of Your W-O-R-D-S

I was standing in the check-out line of a local thrift shop this week, just like any normal day. Then two women started a very heated, very rude conversation. What should have been a simple statement and response turned into something very ugly and very uncomfortable for those of us within earshot - which was probably most of the county.

And unfortunately, these women worked there. Yes, two employees were having a war of words right in front of at least a dozen customers. Not only was I uncomfortable, I was shocked that women would speak that way to each other to begin with, let alone in front of total strangers.

God is very clear in His Word about what a woman's speech should sound like. Here is a short Bible study for you to meditate on - take one word and its Scripture to heart each day this week and imagine what the Lord can do with our mouths.

W: Warm-hearted. Proverbs 16:21

O: Outpouring. Luke 6:45

R: Rare. Ephesians 4:29

D: Decreased. Proverbs 10:19

S: Soft. Proverbs 15:1


  1. Very good...and so sad and shocking it is..the way people openly speak to one another.

    As Christians...many watch..and are SHOCKED too at the lovliness of FRIENDSHIP amongst Christians! My daughter with friends out to dinner, laughing etc..had a waitress ask about their Friendship because they got along so well.

    God bless

  2. What a blessing for them! How fabulous to be a testimony for the world to see. I pray we all have more situations in our life where people ask us why we're so different. Praise the Lord!

    In Christ's Love,


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